RMFP ... Consistency & Communication

Consistency isn't everything but it is right up there with oxygen. The strongest relationships that you have are with those you trust. 

Recent Posts

Not the Time for a Scavenger Hunt

Jul 11, 2024 - Tonya Adams

From car rallies to Easter egg hunts, a scavenger hunt is always a good time. Except when the scavenger hunt begins by the loss of a loved one....

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Real Life Benefits to saving for a Home

Nov 24, 2023 - Tonya Adams

First Home Savings Account...

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Back to School

Sep 10, 2020 - Tonya Adams

Back to school. Each year those three words cause a flurry of emotion. For students it means their time of relaxation and freedom has come to an end. It’s back to schedules and for the younger ones set bedtimes. For parents it’s a time to sigh as the...

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