Not the Time for a Scavenger Hunt

From car rallies to Easter egg hunts, a scavenger hunt is always a good time. Except when the scavenger hunt begins by the loss of a loved one....

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Real Life Benefits to saving for a Home

First Home Savings Account...

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Back to School

Back to school. Each year those three words cause a flurry of emotion. For students it means their time of relaxation and freedom has come to an end. It’s back to schedules and for the younger ones set bedtimes. For parents it’s a time to sigh as the...

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You Can't Take It With You

You’ve probably heard the one about the elderly rich man who married a much younger woman. To be sure that she wasn’t just after his wealth, he stipulated in the pre-nuptial agreement that all his money was to be buried with him when he died. She had...

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Into Africa

Into Africa We have been travelling virtually through Libya the past two weeks, passing through beautiful desert scenery, ancient Roman ruins at Leptis Magna, as well as modern Libyan ruins as in the attached picture. It’s not a good time to actually...

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On the Road Again

On the Road Again After completing our epic virtual Cross-Canada Trek in late December 2017, we are once more on the road. This year we are following the route of Charley Boorman and Ewan McGregor on their “Long Way Down” trip in 2007. They travelled...

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Slow down ... it's Christmas

Slow down ... it's Christmas From school concerts to office parties, from church celebrations to family get togethers it seems that we are put into high gear from December 1st until the first week of January. Trying to squeeze time in for shopping...

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2017 Tax Return: Deductions, Credits & Expenses

The deadline for filing your 2017 tax return is fast approaching -- April 30, 2018 for most Canadians. Canada Revenue Agency has provided this useful chart to help you reduce the amount of tax you must pay:

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6 Financial Resolutions for 2018

6 Financial Resolutions for 2018 The new year is a time to reflect and improve on ourselves. Many Canadians choose to make new year resolutions and financial goals are usually at the top of the list. These tips will help you set (and achieve) success...

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4 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor

Did you know a financial advisor can help you live your best possible life within your personal budget?......

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